
How submitarts works for applicants

Effortless Submissions For Your Applicants

Entrant Workflow in 4 Simple Steps

1. Learn about your call and terms. 2. Fill out your application.  3. Add Images and links to hosted media. 4. Finalize and/or pay for the submission.

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Call for Entries Workflow in 4 Easy Steps with SubmitArts

Batch content uploads or one at a time

Your candidates can upload their images one at a time or in batch!  The SubmitArts software offers two upload modes to satisfy the skill set of your applicants.

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Call for Entries that Match your Applicants Skill Level

Image Editor Option

Applicants can edit their images with our software. They can resize, crop, and rotate their images all within SubmitArts. This feature is useful for applicants who don't have image editing software of their own.

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Design a Call for Entries that allows Participants to Edit Images

Give Your Participants More Exposure

Publish selected submissions in unique content platforms including online galleries, marketplaces, public voting sites, educational sites and more.

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Showcase your Call for Entries Submissions with SubmitArts


Kodexio, the company behind SubmitArts, works with thousands of clients worldwide. We are known for our popular media rich services and superior support. We do our best to respond to inquiries within 24 hours (M-F excluding holidays.)

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